Riverside Elementary School

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Select Image Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
1ST GR - FLAMINGO GARDENS 24/25 SY B3031-2302 B3031-2302 1ST GR - FLAMINGO GARDENS 24/25 SY Please bring bag lunch. Online payments only. :Riverside Elementary School FIXED King,Michelle 01 N/A N/A $21.00
1ST GR - FLAMINGO GARDENS 24/25 SY B3031-2303 B3031-2303 1ST GR - FLAMINGO GARDENS 24/25 SY Please bring bag lunch. Online payments only. :Lakeside Elementary School FIXED Boberbrodsky,Michelle 01 N/A N/A $21.00
1ST GR - FLAMINGO GARDENS 24/25 SY B3031-2304 B3031-2304 1ST GR - FLAMINGO GARDENS 24/25 SY Please bring bag lunch. Online payments only. :West Hollywood Elementary FIXED Gordon,Susan 01 N/A N/A $21.00
1ST GR - FLAMINGO GARDENS 24/25 SY B3031-2305 B3031-2305 1ST GR - FLAMINGO GARDENS 24/25 SY Please bring bag lunch. Online payments only. :West Hollywood Elementary FIXED Bernard,Kati 01 N/A N/A $21.00
1ST GR - FLAMINGO GARDENS 24/25 SY B3031-2306 B3031-2306 1ST GR - FLAMINGO GARDENS 24/25 SY Please bring bag lunch. Online payments only. :West Hollywood Elementary FIXED Bernhardt,Deirdre 01 N/A N/A $21.00
2023-2024 BASCC Activity Fee - Period 9 B3031-2087 B3031-2087 2024-2025 BASCC Activity Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) 2024-2025 BASCC Activity Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) :West Hollywood Elementary FIXED After,Before All N/A N/A $15.00
2023-2024 BASCC Aftercare Full Fee - Period 9 B3031-2096 B3031-2096 2024-2025 BASCC After Care Full Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) 2024-2025 BASCC After Care Full Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) :West Hollywood Elementary FIXED After,Before All N/A N/A $253.00
2023-2024 BASCC Before Care Fee - Period 9 B3031-2105 B3031-2105 2024-2025 BASCC Before Care Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) 2024-2025 BASCC Before Care Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) :West Hollywood Elementary FIXED After,Before All N/A N/A $63.00
2023-2024 BASCC Late Pick up Fee B3031-2077 B3031-2077 2024-2025 BASCC Late Pickup Fee Students must be picked up on time. $15 charge for every 15 minutes late. :Norcrest Elementary School FIXED After,Before All N/A N/A $15.00
2023-2024 BASCC Registration Fee B3031-2078 B3031-2078 2024-2025 BASCC Registration Fee A registration fee is required for each participant. :Norcrest Elementary School FIXED After,Before All N/A N/A $30.00
2023-2024 BASCC SBBC/Sibling Fee - Period 9 B3031-2114 B3031-2114 2024-2025 BASCC SBBC/Sibling Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) 2024-2025 BASCC SBBC/Sibling Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) :Norcrest Elementary School FIXED After,Before All N/A N/A $240.00
2024-2025 BASCC Staff Fee/1 Hour - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) B3031-2123 B3031-2123 2024-2025 BASCC Staff Fee/1 Hour - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) 2024-2025 BASCC Staff Fee/1 Hour - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) :Norcrest Elementary School FIXED After,Before All N/A N/A $60.00
2025-2026  Pre-K Registration Fee without VPK Certificate B3031-2300 B3031-2300 2025-2026 Pre-K Registration Fee without VPK Certificate Registration fee for the 2025-2026 PRE-K program. This one time registration fee must be paid in order to stay in the program for the remainder of the school year. No payments accepted after Wednesday, April 30th! Registration fee without VPK certificate. NON-REFUNDANDABLE. :Norcrest Elementary School FIXED Bardisa,Jess N/A N/A N/A $310.00
2025-2026  VPK Registration Fee Full Day with VPK Certificate B3031-2301 B3031-2301 2025-2026 VPK Registration Fee Full Day with VPK Certificate Registration fee for the 2025-2026 VPK program. This one time registration fee must be paid in order to stay in the program for the remainder of the school year. No payments accepted after Wednesday, April 30th! Registration fee with VPK certificate. NON-REFUNDANDABLE. :Norcrest Elementary School FIXED Bardisa,Jess N/A N/A N/A $190.00
4th GR - I-FLY 24/25 SY B3031-2267 B3031-2267 4th GR - I-FLY 24/25 SY Please send a bagged lunch, online payments only. :Norcrest Elementary School FIXED Timpone-singh,Amy 04 N/A N/A $26.00
4th GR - I-FLY 24/25 SY B3031-2268 B3031-2268 4th GR - I-FLY 24/25 SY Please send a bagged lunch, online payments only. :Norcrest Elementary School FIXED Mednick,Lindsay 04 N/A N/A $26.00
4th GR - I-FLY 24/25 SY B3031-2269 B3031-2269 4th GR - I-FLY 24/25 SY Please send a bagged lunch, online payments only. :Norcrest Elementary School FIXED Basabe,Cristian 04 N/A N/A $26.00
4th GR - I-FLY 24/25 SY B3031-2270 B3031-2270 4th GR - I-FLY 24/25 SY Please send a bagged lunch, online payments only. :Norcrest Elementary School FIXED Officer,Patricia 04 N/A N/A $26.00
4th GR - I-FLY 24/25 SY B3031-2271 B3031-2271 4th GR - I-FLY 24/25 SY Please send a bagged lunch, online payments only. :Innovative Programs FIXED Alvarez,Patricia 04 N/A N/A $26.00
4th GR - I-FLY 24/25 SY B3031-2272 B3031-2272 4th GR - I-FLY 24/25 SY Please send a bagged lunch, online payments only. :Innovative Programs FIXED Lenard,Bret 04 N/A N/A $26.00
ELOP LATE FEE 24/25 SY B3031-2251 B3031-2251 ELOP LATE FEE 24/25 SY Students must be picked up on time. $15 charge for EVERY 15 minutes late. :Innovative Programs FIXED Clubs,Rocky N/A N/A N/A $15.00
SUNSHINE CLUB MEMBERSHIP DUES - INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF 24/25 SY B3031-2215 B3031-2215 SUNSHINE CLUB MEMBERSHIP DUES - INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF 24/25 SY Membership is open for the 24/25 SY! Become a ray of sunshine! This is for instructional staff membership, online payments only. :Innovative Programs FIXED Beresovoy,Diana N/A N/A N/A $25.00
SUNSHINE CLUB MEMBERSHIP DUES - NON-INSTRUCTIONA STAFF 24/25 B3031-2216 B3031-2216 SUNSHINE CLUB MEMBERSHIP DUES - NON-INSTRUCTIONA STAFF 24/25 Membership is open for the 24/25 SY! Become a ray of sunshine! This is for non-instructional staff membership, online payments only. :Innovative Programs FIXED Beresovoy,Diana N/A N/A N/A $20.00
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